Thursday, April 21, 2011

Final Blog

the final post to bad to sad who cares thank goodness were done. so this has been a fun and ive learned more about food then i thought. i think thats kinda crazy. one thing is that american made chinease food is different from Chinas chinease food because the chinease culture beleives in the different textures and taste and well americans dont really care for all of that they just wanna eat. and no one really knnows who had wrote down the first ever recipe which was a suprise to me.
Another thing is that people in italy consume way much more pasta than americans do the consume about 15 million pounds a year. And another thing is that italians have very percious choices in how they eat pasta. but overall it has been a fun expeience and i have enjoyed doing every blog

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The History of SUM food

The history of food can go back to the beginning of time. And over the billions of years that people have evolved food has probably gotten better and better and better. So in time that humans ate first would have to be the cave people eating grass apples or anything they could eat. And then the same food probably until the ancient civilizations that made there own concoctions of food over time. But when the cultures were making there foods it wasn’t known as Chinese or Italian or Mexican it was just a trading market. The cultures would trade there food for other foods or different types of goods that the culture could use. The time when different foods started to go to different places around the world is when people started traveling around to get away from there native lands and make new home or search for better places to start there own town. But as the times changed more people started to travel and then certain foods would get new spices or foods would get a new ingredient. But when it all comes down to the finally say on who was the first person to make and name a meal no one knows the answer or the first country to make a food name. There is no document what so ever to say who made what for the first time but it is a mystery that the experts will probably never know. But in any case what so ever you know the answer please leave a comment to let me know because I am very interested to find out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

to compare and contrast

My blog is on the different cultures and there different styles of cooking. Something I can contrast my project to is the real cultures food compared to the U.S ideas of that type of food. When you compare pasta all pasta is made by essentially the same equipment using the same technology. Also, in independent taste tests conducted by Consumer Reports, Cook's Illustrated and The Washington Post, U.S. pasta either was found superior to Italian imports or the judges were unable to discern a difference between them. Another difference is that approximately 2.75 million tons of pasta is made in Italy each year, while the United States produces nearly 1.9 million tons per year. So i would think the Italians love there pasta. And to back up my opinion the average person in Italy eats more than 51 pounds of pasta every year. The average person in North America eats about 15-1/2 pounds of pasta per year. Another interesting peice of information is the Italians only eat meat a few times a month. So, when they came to America, where meat was so plentiful, they incorporated meat into their cooking more often, making meatballs an American invention. So in some ways you can kind of say they both have there differences. Now to Chinease foods it has been proven that the people of China find that textures and taste are a big part of there culture to where Americans dont like certain textures and taste that the Chinease do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hello everyone im Thomas and this is Miss Cassandra C. Today she is my interviewer :). The topic is "The Foods".
         So Cassy do you like different cultures foods? (A) Yes because of all the different types of foods.
        Well What is your favorite cultural food? (A) Yummy yummy Italian.
        Why do you think the foods have traveled this far? (A) Probably because of the people who travel.
        What do you think of your favorite dish? (A) I dont have one just love food.
        Have you ever been interested in how your food is made? (A) yes, i love cooking shows.
        Have you ever made any of your favorite meals by urself? How did it turn out? (A) Yes, It was good i loved how i made it.
        Do who invinted your favorite food? (A) Probably Italians, I think.
        How long has your favorit food been around? (A) Probably foreverrrrrr.
        Would you rather eat the dish there or here? (A) There, so i can get the full effect.
        Have you ever thought about beimg a cheif? (A) YES!!!! Because i love food and cooking.

And there you have it everybody Cassy the magnificent with answers to all my questions.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

She crab soup review

I was at work the other day when i noticed on the wall a plack that said "Crabs on the beach 3rd place in Chowder Fest".. To think the place i worked placed kinda suprised me but i had to try the soup because i didnt even know were served it. I wanted to know how to make it but the boss said it was a secrete but all i know is its the best freakin soup ive ever ever ever ever ever ever had..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A food quote..

"As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists." Have you ever tried to go on a diet, or look at foods of a cetain meal plan? It usually says either you can't have sumthing to make sure its not a proceced food. In other words don't add any sugar or salts or any other prducts. The best place to find non procesed food is at a fruit stand, or a produce market. The best diet is fruits vegtibles and water with sum protein. But just make sure you eat right to stay healthy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So lets go from Italy down to the islands of the caribean.. Percisely the island of Jamaica. They have many good foods rangeing from curry chicken to ugli fruit. Ugli fruit is honestly the weirest thing you will ever see. But when you peel the fruit it is a big freakin juicy citrus, tangarine, grape fruit all rolled in to one delicous ugli fruit. When you look at the fruit you may not be intised by the weirdness of the skin but if ur brave enough to get to the fruit it will pay off in the end that is a promise. People from the island basicly live off the fruit breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So maybe if you go down to the island you may want to look and probably DEVOURE the thing they call the ugli fruit.Uniq Fruit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Even though Chinease food is good it is unhealthy!!!!!!!

According to New York Times chinease food may be very very very very unhealthy.. In a plate of General Tso's chicken, for example, is loaded with about 40 percent more sodium and more than half the calories an average adult needs for an entire day. It is shown when  you intake to much soidum it retains the fluid in your body which isn't good either. But sometimes when sumthing is good enough you take chances to doit no matter what the risk is.. Sobe careful when you order chinease food from your local restraunt because you can get an overdose of soidum. GOOD LUCK!General Tso's Chicken. Photo by Lavender Lynn

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lets Start In France

"How can you expect to govern a country that has two hundred and forty-six kinds of cheese ?" France, the nation that has been so much cheese was asked how can it be governed. Good thing its just a quote, France i guess you can call the empire of cheese, the cheese capital of the world. As of right now there are 250 to 1000 named cheeses in France. So when you eat cheese on a sandwhich or sub think about what the chances are that the cheese you are eating was more than likely created in France. Funny thought. One of Frances famous dishes is Roquefort Cheese is made from ewe's-milk and comes from the south of France. ie Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Roquefort is rated as one of the world's greatest blue cheeses.... Learn sumthing new everyday :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Every Culture has it's Foods

Every culture has thier own types of foods. America has american, Mexico has mexican, China has chinese, Italy has italian, ect. I beleive the idea about spreading the different types of foods to different countrys was the best idea ever and i dont think any one could or will argue with that. And if you do think they should have stayed in there own countries BLOG ME